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Blog Category // Case Study (2)

Client Success: Transportation Tech Company Streamlines Sales Process

Client Success: Hirsh Industries LLC

Client Success: Ascend Supports Future Innovation with FSC Migration

In an era where innovation drives the financial industry forward, a Midwest credit union recognized the need to modernize its operations. To adapt to the changing landscape of the financial industry, they partnered with Ascend to choose Salesforce Financial Services Cloud ...

Client Success: Revolutionizing Efficiency with Financial Services Cloud

In the dynamic world of insurance, one innovative insurance brokerage decided to rewrite the rulebook. Faced with challenges that jeopardized efficiency and growth, this forward-thinking organization embarked on a transformative journey. Their mission? To not only resolve ...

Client Success: Unlocking Success with Salesforce Sales Cloud

Managing leads and opportunities in the pipeline is a crucial aspect of the financial services industry. However, banks often encounter challenges such as the lack of a comprehensive 360-degree view of their customers, inadequate processes for managing client relationships, ...

Client Success: Transforming Insurance with Salesforce Marketing Cloud

In today's technology-centered environment, it's essential to have a robust and efficient marketing strategy to stay ahead of the curve. Insurance carriers are no exception to this rule. To reduce costs and consolidate services, Ascend was approached by Salesforce to assist ...

Client Success: Improving Manufacturing Processes with Salesforce Optimization

In today's dynamic business landscape, countless companies are unknowingly leaving a goldmine of untapped potential within their Salesforce platforms. Is your organization one of them? Imagine the possibilities and growth opportunities awaiting you once you harness the full ...

Client Success: Cloud Migration

With new cloud infrastructure, Paramount Staffing is primed for growth – at a much lower monthly cost. Paramount Staffing needed to establish a cost-effective, new infrastructure to enable the organization to grow rapidly. Paramount partnered with Ascend Technologies to ...

Client Success: The Stelter Company

Client Success: GreatAmerica Financial Services

Client Success: Wenger Case Study

Client Success: Ronald McDonald House

Client Success: Holmes Murphy

Client Success: Guthrie County State Bank

Client Success: The Technology Association of Iowa