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Blog Category // Endpoint Security

What is Zero Trust? Tips for the Average Organization

Is the network perimeter dead, or just distributed? In the earliest days of digital networking, organizations used firewalls as a boundary wall between an organization and the outside risks posed by the internet. It was a security framework that worked well at first — so ...

Breaking Down Endpoint Security

The 2021 statistics on cyberattacks were exceedingly grim.

Traditional AV — Time to upgrade… or budget for your inevitable breach

Signature-based anti-virus (AV) is dead – and organizations are suffering the consequences.

Easy Cybersecurity Steps That Make a Big Impact

What cybersecurity protections do you need for your business? Unfortunately, as the cyber risks to small and mid-sized organizations increase, it seems as though the expert recommendations are that you need all the cybersecurity protections you can get. While this is true ...

Cyber Incident Analysis: Layered Security in Action

March, 2020 — We recently had a Malicious Operation (Malop) pop up for one of our MSP Partners' small business clients and it turned out to be a true hit, with malicious PowerShell on a couple of hosts with RDP (port 3389) open to the internet. Our Malware Prevention ...

Cyber Defense Roster: Your key players in the fight against cyberattacks

Cyber criminals have no off season, neither should your security. Here’s a lineup of the cybersecurity solutions that team up to be your offense and defense.

The Rubber Ducky: Cyber meets physical with this small hacking tool

Your adversary may not always be on the other side of a screen.

Ransomware: How cyber attackers turn hacking into profit

Learn about the growing cyber threat that attackers use to make money… by taking yours.

Mimikatz: How cyber attackers harvest credentials post-exploitation

The bad guys got their hands on a powerful tool… and now they use it to get their hands on your passwords.

Phishing and Command & Control: How cyber attackers use emails to gain control

One of the easiest ways for cyber criminals to begin an attack is through a malicious email. Here’s a look at how they do it.

Hidden Threats: Preventing cyberattacks with a layered security approach

Advanced attacks are out there. Advanced malware threats are hiding in software applications many of us use daily and trust. So much so that legitimate software can be difficult to distinguish. New attack vectors are continuously being discovered and attackers are finding ...

Advanced Persistent Threat: Challenge Accepted

The battle of cybersecurity is constantly advancing. As hackers move to more complex, focused efforts, their strategies have changed and the threat has increased. One of these strategies, advanced persistent threats (APT), is a customized, focused attack that is difficult ...

Traditional vs Advanced Malware Prevention

Think of the last time you purchased a brand new car. What if it didn’t work after only one day? You jump in your shiny new ride, fasten your seat belt and turn the ignition, and … nothing. The car won’t start.

Cylance vs Malware Posing as a Sneaky Flash Installer

Thanks to the deluge of Crypto malware attacks recently, everyone in infosec has been VERY on edge about anything that pops in a quarantine. “Oh crap. What’d they hit? Where’s it going? What IS this?!” Unless you have Cylance.

Warning Signs of a Cyberattack

The paranoia surrounding cyber crime attacks is rising, almost as quickly as cybercrime itself. According to research from the Ponemon Institute, nearly half of all small businesses suffered a data breach in 2015. In fact, The Business Journals’ latest SMB Insight study ...