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Blog Category // Password Security

Change Your Password: The Secret to Making it Strong & Memorable

The strength of your password is often the first line of defense against cyber threats (and MFA should be the second, but more on that another time). As we continue to enhance our security measures, all of us must understand the importance of creating strong passwords. The ...

Your Role in Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is complex and constantly changing, so as the threats continue to rise, you may wonder, "whose responsibility is cybersecurity?"

Azure Admins: P@ssw0rd is Not a Good Password

Let’s face it, we use personal identification numbers (PINs), passwords, and passphrases for everyday life: grabbing some cash at the ATM, online shopping, and of course, logging into the domain at work. As frustrating as it can be to maintain all of these passwords, we ...

2021 Holiday Security Guide

Ascend wants you to stay secure this holiday season. The end of the year brings with it a dramatic increase in cybersecurity events. So how do you handle these holiday hackers? Keep these tips in mind to stay secure in the New Year.

Easy Cybersecurity Steps That Make a Big Impact

What cybersecurity protections do you need for your business? Unfortunately, as the cyber risks to small and mid-sized organizations increase, it seems as though the expert recommendations are that you need all the cybersecurity protections you can get. While this is true ...

The Non-Technical Guide to Cybersecurity for Your Organization

In the current threat landscape, organizations of all sizes are expected to get cybersecurity right—or face the consequences of not being protected. But what is cybersecurity, and what does it involve? Is there a way to be 100% protected? This guide will cover cybersecurity ...

Remote Working: 5 Password Security Tips You Need to Know

At Ascend, our security engineers have truly seen the good, the bad, and the ugly of cybersecurity. From investigating breaches to setting up first-time security solutions for small businesses, they’ve found that a common vulnerability is something that not many people ...

Brute-Forcing: The inelegant but effective way attackers crack your passwords

If a single password was the barrier between an attacker and your network, would it hold up against brute force?

5 Easy Ways to Improve Your Cybersecurity at Work

It’s true, some of the smallest improvements can really be game changers — especially in cybersecurity. Whether you know it or not, cyber criminals see you—the end user—as an easy target. But don’t worry, you don’t need the newest security technology to protect yourself ...

10 Mistakes that Will Get You Hacked

Sometimes, it's the little things that make a big difference. This is especially true for cybersecurity. Here are 10 common mistakes made in office settings that leave people vulnerable to cyber attacks, presented by Security Engineer, Will Tipton:

Scam Alert: Sextortion Email Using Real Passwords

In the past 48 hours, security operators have seen a new ‘sextortion’ message begin popping up in client inboxes almost everywhere. The most frightening part of this message is that it lists a password either in the subject line or the first sentence.

A Simple Guide to Online Privacy and Protecting Your Identity

It is easier than ever for cyber criminals to obtain your private information, especially when “trustworthy” sites are the ones putting it on the line. Follow these simple steps to ensure you’re doing what you can to keep your information safe at work and at home:

What Do You Have That Cyber Criminals Want?

You may not realize it, but you, your company, and your employees are all targets for cyber criminals. Computers, mobile devices, accounts and your information all have tremendous value.

Strong Passwords

Passwords are important. Think of them like the keys to the 'locks' on your digital accounts. Having strong, secure passwords is critical.