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In an era where innovation drives the financial industry forward, a Midwest credit union recognized the need to modernize its operations. To adapt to the changing landscape of the financial industry, they partnered with Ascend to choose Salesforce Financial Services Cloud (FSC) as their source of truth.

FSC is a powerful solution uniquely tailored to the evolving needs of financial institutions in a time where the industry prioritizes customer-centricity and data-driven decision-making. It provides a suite of robust tools and capabilities aimed at enhancing customer engagement, streamlining operations, and fostering innovation. Read on to see how Ascend's expertise addressed the credit union's challenges.


Like many in the industry, this credit union faced a set of significant challenges. First and foremost, they lacked an internal Salesforce team with the expertise to navigate the complexities of FSC. They also desired more out-of-the-box functionality to stay competitive, and technical debt from complex customizations in their existing system weighed them down and hindered future growth.


To address these challenges, the credit union partnered with Ascend, a certified Salesforce partner since 2009. The experts at Ascend provided guidance to the credit union's internal team on FSC's data model, features, and functionality. Together, they ensured a seamless transition.

Ascend configured crucial FSC features, led data migration efforts, and facilitated the migration of custom objects into the standard FSC data model. Additionally, our team implemented Shield encryption on key customer data to provide an additional layer of protection, ensuring the credit union's compliance and safeguarding sensitive information.


Ascend streamlined the credit union's operations by migrating custom objects into the standard FSC data model. Standardization not only simplified processes but also set the credit union up for scalability and efficiency.

Leveraging FSC's out-of-the-box capabilities, the credit union positioned itself as an industry innovator. Ascend gained recognition as their partner of choice due to our expansive expertise and personalized training. The credit union also experienced significant efficiency improvements, leaving technical debt behind and embracing enhanced security measures.


Need some help?

The credit union's journey to Salesforce Financial Services Cloud with Ascend is a testament to the power of collaboration, expertise, and innovation in the financial services industry.

Learn how Ascend can assist your organization in navigating the world of Salesforce Financial Services Cloud. Book your FREE consultation today.

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