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Blog Category // Technical

Heightened Cybersecurity Awareness: Russia-Ukraine Conflict

As the eyes of the world remain focused on the escalating conflict between Russia and Ukraine, cyberattacks are top of mind for professionals in the security sector, including the experts here at Ascend Technologies.

SolarWinds Breach Updates | Ascend Technologies

As news of the SolarWinds Orion security breach continues to develop, the Ascend Technologies security team is closely monitoring updates and evaluating the impact on organizations like yours. This feed will be updated frequently with breaking news and expert insights ...

Alert: Malware Campaign Targeting US-Based Organizations

As a new wave of malware-focused phishing attacks gain popularity, our expert security engineers are on the frontlines. Here's what you need to know.

Traditional AV — Time to upgrade… or budget for your inevitable breach

Signature-based anti-virus (AV) is dead – and organizations are suffering the consequences.

Cyber Ranger's Handbook: Next Steps to Securing Your Home Base

There was a time, years ago, when I wasn’t just the highly capable security practitioner you see before you. I was also a Soldier. I wore a uniform for 22 years altogether, most of the time as an Infantryman in my state’s National Guard.

Cyber Incident Analysis: Layered Security in Action

March, 2020 — We recently had a Malicious Operation (Malop) pop up for one of our MSP Partners' small business clients and it turned out to be a true hit, with malicious PowerShell on a couple of hosts with RDP (port 3389) open to the internet. Our Malware Prevention ...

Work-from-Home Security: The Unspoken Cyber Impact of Coronavirus

Is your organization prepared to work from home due to the pandemic? Not just prepared for the change, but structurally prepared? Is your network designed to protect against the risks? For offices around the world, the possibility of having to send employees home ...

BlueKeep & Seven Monkeys: Protecting Your Organization Against RDP Vulnerabilities

Leaving your remote desktop protocol (port 3389) servers open to the internet has been known to be a cybersecurity “bad idea” for years, but the Bluekeep vulnerability, as well as the more recent Seven Monkeys batch of disclosed vulnerabilities, have made this vital to your ...

Infogressive EDR dominates MITRE ATT&CK Product Evaluations: What it Means for You

What is the MITRE ATT&CK Product Evaluation? The ATT&CK evaluation framework, according to MITRE, is a new development that provides a transparent, customer-centric approach to product evaluation for cyber detection software and solutions. The ATT&CK evaluation ...

A Security Engineer's Guide to EDR

Over the last 2 years, our team has been researching a number of platforms, frameworks, trainings, and various definitions of Endpoint Detection & Response (EDR) technology. And of course, the newest hot buzzword in cybersecurity: “Threat Hunting.” After all this ...

Analysis of a DocuSign Phishing Email

As an MSSP, we offer a number of services. It’s kind of in the name. Two of those services involve email through both email security as well as end-user education through our phishing service. Over the last couple of weeks, we’ve noticed an uptick in phishing emails that ...

Into the Rabbit Hole: A Security Engineer’s Review of SANS FOR508

Infogressive’s engineers are a special kind of broken. We like to learn and put ourselves through things that are REALLY hard just because we’re curious… (and a little masochistic). When I was new to the company, I shadowed on an Incident Response lead by one of our vendor ...

Disaster Averted: Why Log Review is a Vital Part of Cybersecurity

It’s not fun, but it’s necessary. One of our very own Security Analysts recently proved why log review is a crucial step in protecting our customer’s networks.

10 Tips for Cybersecurity Professionals

Surviving as a professional in the cybersecurity realm is no easy task, but the need for more of us is ever-increasing. Below are some tips and tools that you might find useful if cybersecurity has been entrusted to you.

CylancePROTECT vs RansomFree: Do You Get What You Pay For?

As an all-around nerd, not just a security nerd, I spend a lot of time checking out non security related blogs that involve a lot of technology. One in particular is Lifehacker.com. They usually have some pretty interesting blurbs about software or attacking a problem in a ...