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In the dynamic world of insurance, one innovative insurance brokerage decided to rewrite the rulebook. Faced with challenges that jeopardized efficiency and growth, this forward-thinking organization embarked on a transformative journey. Their mission? To not only resolve immediate issues but to establish themselves as industry leaders.

Their story is a testament to adaptability, innovation, and the power of strategic solutions in an era where staying ahead isn't just an option; it's a necessity. Let's delve into their transformation and explore how your organization can confidently embrace the future.


Our featured insurance brokerage was grappling with several key challenges. They relied on manual communication between multiple systems to log and access basic customer data, resulting in inefficiencies. Additionally, they were burdened with duplicate systems for tracking and managing sales leads, making it difficult to maintain a unified view of their operations.

The inability to quantify data or generate reports hindered their ability to make informed decisions.


Our collaboration with the insurance brokerage began with the implementation of Salesforce Financial Services Cloud (FSC), a powerful platform tailored to the needs of financial institutions. With FSC in place, we configured Account Engagement, enhancing customer interactions and engagement. Additionally, we provided on-site training to empower their team with the skills and knowledge needed to navigate the upcoming transformation. A crucial milestone in our journey together was the integration of Salesforce with Snowflake, creating a seamless two-way sync between Salesforce and iPipeline.

This integration allowed the brokerage to effortlessly track accounts, opportunities, activities, and illustrations, transforming their operations.


The experts at Ascend streamlined communication through Salesforce's Chatter, ensuring collaboration and efficiency across all lines of business. Equipped with enhanced capabilities, the brokerage was not only able to grow existing advisor partnerships but also seek new relationships, expanding its market reach.

With confidence from their new methods of analysis and reporting, the brokerage now makes data-driven decisions for each account.


Need some help?

Don't just navigate the insurance landscape; conquer it. Explore how your organization can unlock growth and efficiency with Ascend. Book your FREE consultation today.

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