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Blog Category // Email Security

Defending Against Advanced Cyberattacks: 3 Essential Security Solutions

At the start of the year, Microsoft detected a nation-state cyberattack on its corporate systems, highlighting the widespread impact and seriousness of these threats. After defeating the threat, Microsoft shared a blog post detailing the incident as a case study resource ...

Alert: Malware Campaign Targeting US-Based Organizations

As a new wave of malware-focused phishing attacks gain popularity, our expert security engineers are on the frontlines. Here's what you need to know.

Email is responsible for most corporate security breaches. How can you minimize the risk?

Email is a huge threat vector Between spam, phishing, business email compromise and ransomware the list of risks is long. Email gives attackers a direct line to their victims. It’s no surprise that with daily phishing attacks and spam email, business leaders are ...

Easy Cybersecurity Steps That Make a Big Impact

What cybersecurity protections do you need for your business? Unfortunately, as the cyber risks to small and mid-sized organizations increase, it seems as though the expert recommendations are that you need all the cybersecurity protections you can get. While this is true ...

The Ultimate Guide to Spear Phishing (& How to Fight Against It)

The first phishing attacks have been traced back to the mid 1990s with the rise of AOL. Hackers would get fake accounts and pose as AOL employees, instructing users to update their personal and billing data. The result? Stolen information.

Cyber Defense Roster: Your key players in the fight against cyberattacks

Cyber criminals have no off season, neither should your security. Here’s a lineup of the cybersecurity solutions that team up to be your offense and defense.

Hidden Threats: Preventing cyberattacks with a layered security approach

Advanced attacks are out there. Advanced malware threats are hiding in software applications many of us use daily and trust. So much so that legitimate software can be difficult to distinguish. New attack vectors are continuously being discovered and attackers are finding ...

Spear Phishing: Be the Harder Target

You know how the story goes... Two guys are out hiking in the forest when they notice that a bear begins charging at them. One of the guys pulls off his heavy hiking boots and begins tying on a pair of running shoes.

Analysis of a DocuSign Phishing Email

As an MSSP, we offer a number of services. It’s kind of in the name. Two of those services involve email through both email security as well as end-user education through our phishing service. Over the last couple of weeks, we’ve noticed an uptick in phishing emails that ...

Don’t Get Hooked! 7 Signs of a Phishing Email

You may not realize it, but your computer, mobile devices, accounts, and information all have value to cyber criminals. According to Verizon’s Data Breach Report, 91% of company breaches start with an email. Knowing how to maintain email security at the user level will keep ...

SCAM ALERT: Netflix Email

SCAM ALERT – Hackers are sending emails, falsely claiming your Netflix account has been suspended. These emails look just like the real thing. They are trying to get your login information and your credit card data.

Cyber Insurance may not cover losses from Business Email Compromise

It is no secret that funds transfer fraud, aka Business Email Compromise (BEC) and Email Account Compromise (EAC), is on the rise for both businesses and consumers. These losses occur when a threat actor, through social engineering or computer intrusion techniques, can ...

What Do You Have That Cyber Criminals Want?

You may not realize it, but you, your company, and your employees are all targets for cyber criminals. Computers, mobile devices, accounts and your information all have tremendous value.

6 Scary Cybersecurity Threats Facing Small Businesses

Although cyber attacks against large companies make the biggest headlines, small and medium-sized organizations are not immune to the threats. Smaller organizations are just as vulnerable as large enterprises, and in many cases, more so; because they have fewer resources to ...