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Blog Category // Log Analysis (SIEM)

Defending Against Advanced Cyberattacks: 3 Essential Security Solutions

At the start of the year, Microsoft detected a nation-state cyberattack on its corporate systems, highlighting the widespread impact and seriousness of these threats. After defeating the threat, Microsoft shared a blog post detailing the incident as a case study resource ...

Alert: Malware Campaign Targeting US-Based Organizations

As a new wave of malware-focused phishing attacks gain popularity, our expert security engineers are on the frontlines. Here's what you need to know.

Cyber Incident Analysis: Layered Security in Action

March, 2020 — We recently had a Malicious Operation (Malop) pop up for one of our MSP Partners' small business clients and it turned out to be a true hit, with malicious PowerShell on a couple of hosts with RDP (port 3389) open to the internet. Our Malware Prevention ...

Brute-Forcing: The inelegant but effective way attackers crack your passwords

If a single password was the barrier between an attacker and your network, would it hold up against brute force?

LOLBins: How cyber attackers bypass traditional security defenses

Learn one method used by attackers to gain a foothold in a network and escalate their privileges.

Hidden Threats: Preventing cyberattacks with a layered security approach

Advanced attacks are out there. Advanced malware threats are hiding in software applications many of us use daily and trust. So much so that legitimate software can be difficult to distinguish. New attack vectors are continuously being discovered and attackers are finding ...

Network Visibility: What Can't You See?

Every network has its weaknesses. But do you know what they are and the impact they have on your network security? With the large amount of data on systems and advances in attack sophistication, it’s more important than ever to have a complete picture of what’s going on in ...

The Key to Successful SIEM

In response to increased compliance concerns and the need to protect against security breaches, more companies are implementing SIEM technology to more easily collect, correlate and analyze data and security alerts from a central location. But once a SIEM is in place, how ...

Privileged Accounts: Catch-22 for Network Security

Privileged accounts represent one of the largest vulnerabilities an organization faces today in network security. It doesn’t matter if the accounts are compromised by an external attacker or a malicious insider. If privileged accounts are in the hands of an adversary it is ...

Ransomware Costs Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center $3 Million

Infogressive’s Jeff Murphy provides feedback from SC Magazine’s article “Ransomware goes to Hollywood medical centre.” For Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center to have paid out over three million dollars in ransomware and suffered a week of down time indicates a less than ...

Prepare for the Hunt: Five Practical Tips to Make Log Analysis Less Miserable

Log analysis. It’s a thing. First reactions are probably going to be “Yuck,” “Make the new guy do it,” “Insert expletive here,” or the more common “Why? What broke now?”