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Blog Category // Backup as a Service

Unlocking Peace of Mind with Cloud Backups

In the digital world, data loss is a constant threat that businesses must navigate. The repercussions, whether financial or operational, divert your attention from core business tasks. While data loss has various causes—hardware glitches, software malfunctions, or natural ...

Onsite Vs. Offsite Data Back-Ups: Know the Difference

Every organization must have a backup to recover their data in case of a data loss. No one is safe from the risk of data loss, big or small; they are all susceptible to data loss. You can be the victim of data loss resulting from malicious cybercrimes, human error, and ...

Disaster Recovery with Azure Site Recovery Service

When tragedy strikes, businesses rely on solid disaster recovery (DRP) and business continuity (BCP) plans. Typically, strategies for fail-over and recovery can be a manual process that is time-consuming. By utilizing Azure Site Recovery Service (ASR), IT teams are able to ...

What You Need to Know About Backup-as-a-Service

Backup as a Service and Data Recovery are two well-known technology solutions for business continuity. Still, they are often overlooked or taken for granted, only being brought to light when it's too late and your data has been compromised. As a result, your data is ...

Immutable Backups – The Missing Piece of Your Disaster Recovery Plan

Operating in a digital world comes with the risk of losing everything in a cyber incident. It’s estimated that a ransomware attack takes place every 11 seconds, and our team has observed an increasing number of businesses having their backups targeted in these attacks. So, ...

VMware Skyline Health Diagnostics Appliance

Maintaining your vSphere environment is key to keeping your users happy. Keeping the environment secure, stable, and performing at its best is essential. One tool that stands out for this task is the VMware Skyline Health Diagnostics Appliance. This tool assesses and makes ...

Microsoft Viva Topics - Observations on Set Up and Results

Viva Topics is one of four components of Microsoft Viva, which is a search and Artificial Intelligence (AI) application that monitors user interaction with sites, files, and other users in Microsoft 365. It creates 'Topics' that can be accessed via chat or web pages created ...