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Blog Category // Risk Assessments

How Your Risk Affects Cyber Liability Insurance

If you think that your cybersecurity insurance claim will be cleared with no questions asked, think again. While reviewing your claim, your cyber insurance provider will assess whether you took “due care” to protect your business from being compromised by a cyberattack. ...

7 Crucial Questions to Ask During a Security Risk Assessment

No matter what industry you work in, technology is likely becoming an increasingly prominent aspect of your business. Although this can make your life easier, it also poses many risks to your firm's security, so you must ensure you have appropriate strategies in place. A ...

Email is responsible for most corporate security breaches. How can you minimize the risk?

Email is a huge threat vector Between spam, phishing, business email compromise and ransomware the list of risks is long. Email gives attackers a direct line to their victims. It’s no surprise that with daily phishing attacks and spam email, business leaders are ...

How serious is an incident? The Comprehensive Guide to Incident Response

What defines a cyber “incident”, and if it happens to your business, how serious is it? These are two prominent questions among businesses of all sizes and industries. These questions, however, are especially vital to answer for small businesses who often lack the staffing, ...

12 Consequences of a Cyber Incident

Trust us, we know that “getting hacked” seems scary enough on its own. However, there are additional consequences that go along with a breach or cyber incident that you should be aware of—including some you may not have realized.

Complying with the SHIELD Act: Cybersecurity Requirements for Businesses

New York's SHIELD Act applies to businesses nationwide, with compliance required for anyone who does business with or holds personally identifiable information (PII) of New York residents. The following are key takeaways regarding SHIELD Act compliance.

Penetration Test or Risk Assessment? Follow our Flowchart to Find Out!

It’s not uncommon for the terms ‘Risk Assessment’ and ‘Penetration Test’ to be used interchangeably. The truth is, the two are very different.

Starting Your Cybersecurity Strategy from Scratch? Follow these 4 steps...

If you are like most executives caught up in the constantly-evolving threat landscape, you’re likely overwhelmed with trying to effectively secure your data. We still encounter organizations starting their security from square one on a fairly regular basis, and we know it’s ...

4 Threat Assessment Best Practices

Cyberattacks have become commonplace across a variety of verticals —from big box stores to toymakers and even the federal government. Security staffers are feeling the pressure to ensure their company isn’t the next one splashed across the headlines.

Why are Healthcare Providers Underinvested in Cybersecurity?

According to 2016 survey results from The Ponemon Institute, healthcare organizations average about one cyber attack per month. So why, then, do so many remain underinvested in cybersecurity? That’s a question we often ask ourselves and encourage healthcare executives to ...

Preventing 3rd-Party Security Breaches: A Must for Healthcare

Businesses in all sectors are increasingly relying on vendors and associates. This is especially true in healthcare, where functions such as billing are frequently performed by outside parties, and providers rely on various partners for services like imaging and diagnostics.