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Blog Category // Penetration Testing

Cyber Reconnaissance: What You Need to Know

Reconnaissance is the start of any good penetration test, hacking attempt, or introduction to a new concept. But what does reconnaissance mean? From Meriam-webster: Reconnaissance is a preliminary survey to gain information. So why is this important in a cybersecurity ...

5 Qualities of a Good Penetration Test

Penetration tests are considered one of the best returns on investment for a security program because they provide verified, immediate, and actionable data to better secure your environment.

The Complete Guide to Penetration Testing

Picture this... An employee receives a targeted phishing email and, without realizing what it is, downloads an “urgent update” for his computer. The attacker now has access to their device and is able to install a keylogger on the computer, learn more about the network, and ...

Network Visibility: What Can't You See?

Every network has its weaknesses. But do you know what they are and the impact they have on your network security? With the large amount of data on systems and advances in attack sophistication, it’s more important than ever to have a complete picture of what’s going on in ...

MSP vs Hacker: Penetration Test Demo

We all know that security is hard… for an MSP, it’s even more difficult. In addition to balancing the everyday security risks that every business faces, MSP’s also have to focus on their customers’ networks. A lot of times, the security of customer networks take precedence ...

Penetration Test or Risk Assessment? Follow our Flowchart to Find Out!

It’s not uncommon for the terms ‘Risk Assessment’ and ‘Penetration Test’ to be used interchangeably. The truth is, the two are very different.

Vulnerability Scans vs Penetration Tests

There is still quite a bit of confusion out there on the differences between a Vulnerability Scan and a Penetration Test. The truth is both services can be successful in keeping you ahead of the hackers, but the trick is knowing which one is right for you and when.