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Blog Category // Financial

6 Critical Information Security Elements for Community Banks

An information security policy is a set of rules that ensures data security by regulating domain and network usage. This policy should protect not only the organization's data but the customers’ data as well. In this article, we’ll outline critical elements that a community ...

SolarWinds Breach Updates | Ascend Technologies

As news of the SolarWinds Orion security breach continues to develop, the Ascend Technologies security team is closely monitoring updates and evaluating the impact on organizations like yours. This feed will be updated frequently with breaking news and expert insights ...

Cyber-Warfare May Be On The Horizon — What It Means for the U.S.

According to a U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) warning issued January 4, 2020, the government is preparing for the potential of Iran-sponsored cyberattacks following the January 3rd airstrike which killed Iranian commander Qasem Soleimani.

Financial Regulators Crack Down on Cybersecurity

With the ever increasing number of financially oriented businesses, there are a lot more assets that are of value to criminals—in addition to money. This includes retail customers’ personal data as well as competitive information. It’s all valuable. And it’s a big reason ...