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Blog Category // SOC-as-a-Service

Cyber Incident Analysis: Layered Security in Action

March, 2020 — We recently had a Malicious Operation (Malop) pop up for one of our MSP Partners' small business clients and it turned out to be a true hit, with malicious PowerShell on a couple of hosts with RDP (port 3389) open to the internet. Our Malware Prevention ...

The 20 Guest Blog: Creating an Advanced Cybersecurity Package for MSP Clients

Security services are a great way to protect MSP clients, but should they be optional?

Cyber Defense Roster: Your key players in the fight against cyberattacks

Cyber criminals have no off season, neither should your security. Here’s a lineup of the cybersecurity solutions that team up to be your offense and defense.

The Rubber Ducky: Cyber meets physical with this small hacking tool

Your adversary may not always be on the other side of a screen.

Ransomware: How cyber attackers turn hacking into profit

Learn about the growing cyber threat that attackers use to make money… by taking yours.

Cyberattack Game Plan: How attackers choose their targets & plan their attack

High-profile, newsworthy cyber breaches may have you believe that only big corporations like Target, Facebook, and Equifax are where cyber criminals focus their efforts. However, it continues to be proven that small and mid-sized organizations are being targeted frequently, ...

Brute-Forcing: The inelegant but effective way attackers crack your passwords

If a single password was the barrier between an attacker and your network, would it hold up against brute force?

Mimikatz: How cyber attackers harvest credentials post-exploitation

The bad guys got their hands on a powerful tool… and now they use it to get their hands on your passwords.

LOLBins: How cyber attackers bypass traditional security defenses

Learn one method used by attackers to gain a foothold in a network and escalate their privileges.

Phishing and Command & Control: How cyber attackers use emails to gain control

One of the easiest ways for cyber criminals to begin an attack is through a malicious email. Here’s a look at how they do it.

Cyberattack Roster: What you're up against in the threat landscape

Cyber criminals have no off season. Here are some of the most popular attack tactics and techniques your organization should be prepared to defend against.

MSP Insights Guest Blog: The MSP Game Plan to Selling Managed Security

Every business needs cybersecurity, right? The bad guys are out there and have shelved their shotguns for computer code. Then why is it so difficult for MSPs to sell cybersecurity? The most common approach I hear to selling MSS is educating customers and that is important, ...

MSSPs: The Ultimate Guide to Making the Right Choice

Finding the right people to fill cybersecurity positions in your organization is getting harder and harder. In 2018, according to the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA), three in five organizations have unfilled cybersecurity or IT security positions, ...

MSP Insights Guest Blog: How To Price and Package MSP Security Services

As an operationally mature MSP, you should be pricing your basic support services on a per-seat basis to help your clients and prospects understand what you bring to the table in a transparent pricing model. Security Services should be no different.

MSP Insights Guest Blog: From MSP to MSSP - Expectations VS Reality

Are you struggling as an MSP owner to deliver security services to your clients? As an MSP owner, you have three options: Build, Buy, or Partner. How do you determine your next step?