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Blog Category // Technical (2)

Pros and Cons of SSL Encryption

People familiar with Hypertext Transfer Protocol Security (HTTPS) know it protects online activities and communications by applying Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption to web traffic. This is a benefit to organizations that need to shield private data from exposure. And ...

Top 5 Cybersecurity Predictions for 2017

It’s no secret that 2016 was a rough year in terms of cybersecurity attacks. We saw big name breaches at the IRS, Verizon, the DNC, LinkedIn, and who could forget- Yahoo! But while those breaches are top-of-mind and easy to remember, it’s important to also remember the ...

To Respond or Not To Respond? Six Phases of Incident Response

“Hmm, that’s strange.” In the scientific community, these words are thought of as the immediate precursor to the ‘Eureka’ moment when something amazing is discovered. In the information technology field, specifically in security, they usually mean something bad is happening.

That's No Moon... It's Malware

Thanks to the deluge of Crypto malware attacks recently, everyone in infosec has been VERY on edge about anything that pops in a quarantine. “Oh crap. What’d they hit? Where’s it going? What IS this?!” Recently, we noticed such a hit with one of our customers in the ...

Drinking from the SANS Fire Hose: The Finest Cybersecurity Instruction

The SANS Institute is a cooperative research and education organization that reaches more than 165,000 security professionals around the world. Their programs undergo constant scrutiny and revision to ensure that the content is both on point and represents the state of the ...

Privileged Accounts: Catch-22 for Network Security

Privileged accounts represent one of the largest vulnerabilities an organization faces today in network security. It doesn’t matter if the accounts are compromised by an external attacker or a malicious insider. If privileged accounts are in the hands of an adversary it is ...

Prepare for the Hunt: Five Practical Tips to Make Log Analysis Less Miserable

Log analysis. It’s a thing. First reactions are probably going to be “Yuck,” “Make the new guy do it,” “Insert expletive here,” or the more common “Why? What broke now?”