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Blog Category // Phishing and Security Awareness (2)

Cyberattack Roster: What you're up against in the threat landscape

Cyber criminals have no off season. Here are some of the most popular attack tactics and techniques your organization should be prepared to defend against.

Hidden Threats: Preventing cyberattacks with a layered security approach

Advanced attacks are out there. Advanced malware threats are hiding in software applications many of us use daily and trust. So much so that legitimate software can be difficult to distinguish. New attack vectors are continuously being discovered and attackers are finding ...

5 Easy Ways to Improve Your Cybersecurity at Work

It’s true, some of the smallest improvements can really be game changers — especially in cybersecurity. Whether you know it or not, cyber criminals see you—the end user—as an easy target. But don’t worry, you don’t need the newest security technology to protect yourself ...

10 Mistakes that Will Get You Hacked

Sometimes, it's the little things that make a big difference. This is especially true for cybersecurity. Here are 10 common mistakes made in office settings that leave people vulnerable to cyber attacks, presented by Security Engineer, Will Tipton:

Spear Phishing: Be the Harder Target

You know how the story goes... Two guys are out hiking in the forest when they notice that a bear begins charging at them. One of the guys pulls off his heavy hiking boots and begins tying on a pair of running shoes.

Business Email Compromise: What is it, and How Can it Affect Me?

You may have heard the statistic: 90% of breaches start with email. But you’re probably thinking, that won’t happen to me. You know the signs of a phishing email and you avoid emails that are clearly unsafe, so you’re not going to be the one who gets breached, right?

Scam Alert: Sextortion Email Using Real Passwords

In the past 48 hours, security operators have seen a new ‘sextortion’ message begin popping up in client inboxes almost everywhere. The most frightening part of this message is that it lists a password either in the subject line or the first sentence.

Analysis of a DocuSign Phishing Email

As an MSSP, we offer a number of services. It’s kind of in the name. Two of those services involve email through both email security as well as end-user education through our phishing service. Over the last couple of weeks, we’ve noticed an uptick in phishing emails that ...

Don’t Get Hooked! 7 Signs of a Phishing Email

You may not realize it, but your computer, mobile devices, accounts, and information all have value to cyber criminals. According to Verizon’s Data Breach Report, 91% of company breaches start with an email. Knowing how to maintain email security at the user level will keep ...

How to Reduce Security Risks Created by Your Employees

How often does the average person think about cybersecurity?

U.S. Warns About Phishing Attacks on Utility Companies

U.S. warns about phishing attacks on nuclear, energy, aviation, water, and manufacturing industries. The U.S government issued a rare public warning that sophisticated hackers are targeting energy and industrial firms, the latest sign that cyber attacks present an ...

What Do You Have That Cyber Criminals Want?

You may not realize it, but you, your company, and your employees are all targets for cyber criminals. Computers, mobile devices, accounts and your information all have tremendous value.

Social Engineering 101

At Ascend Technologies we spend a lot of time breaking into our clients’ networks as part of our Penetration Testing services. A major component of our methodology involves social engineering.

6 Scary Cybersecurity Threats Facing Small Businesses

Although cyber attacks against large companies make the biggest headlines, small and medium-sized organizations are not immune to the threats. Smaller organizations are just as vulnerable as large enterprises, and in many cases, more so; because they have fewer resources to ...

The Biggest Vulnerability in Your Network? It’s You.

At Ascend, we write a lot about the technical aspects of cybersecurity. We focus on cutting-edge topics in malware, ransomware, even machine learning. But one of the most insidious and effective cybersecurity threats around doesn't involve a single line of code: social ...