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Blog Category // Phishing and Security Awareness

Scam Alert: Telegram, Signal, and other Remote Job Scams on the Rise

Cyber criminals have the world at their fingertips thanks to the technology we use every day. But as consumers and business users become more informed, especially through the growing prevalance of Security Awareness Training Programs, the "easy" and well-known scam tactics ...

7 Steps to Creating a Security Awareness Culture

As companies and organizations face cyber-attacks with increased frequency and sophistication than ever before, the importance of security awareness training is clear. But while the information on the best practices for staying safe while using technology is out there, how ...

Your Role in Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is complex and constantly changing, so as the threats continue to rise, you may wonder, "whose responsibility is cybersecurity?"

7 Ways to Detect Malicious Activity

Protecting your organization from threats to its digital operations is crucial no matter what work you do. Identifying malicious activity or vulnerabilities before they reach a critical stage using techniques such as a security risk assessment is vital in staying safe in ...

Heightened Cybersecurity Awareness: Russia-Ukraine Conflict

As the eyes of the world remain focused on the escalating conflict between Russia and Ukraine, cyberattacks are top of mind for professionals in the security sector, including the experts here at Ascend Technologies.

PayPal Fraud - What You Need to Know About the New PayPal Phishing Scam

Unfortunately, we’re back with another phishing scheme that’s making its way through your inboxes and phones.

Alert: Malware Campaign Targeting US-Based Organizations

As a new wave of malware-focused phishing attacks gain popularity, our expert security engineers are on the frontlines. Here's what you need to know.

Email is responsible for most corporate security breaches. How can you minimize the risk?

Email is a huge threat vector Between spam, phishing, business email compromise and ransomware the list of risks is long. Email gives attackers a direct line to their victims. It’s no surprise that with daily phishing attacks and spam email, business leaders are ...

Easy Cybersecurity Steps That Make a Big Impact

What cybersecurity protections do you need for your business? Unfortunately, as the cyber risks to small and mid-sized organizations increase, it seems as though the expert recommendations are that you need all the cybersecurity protections you can get. While this is true ...

Ultimate Cybersecurity Glossary: Basic Terms & Buzzwords Explained

Cybersecurity is complex — the vocabulary alone can be a barrier to many non-technical users just trying to understand what cybersecurity is and what it involves.

The Ultimate Guide to Spear Phishing (& How to Fight Against It)

The first phishing attacks have been traced back to the mid 1990s with the rise of AOL. Hackers would get fake accounts and pose as AOL employees, instructing users to update their personal and billing data. The result? Stolen information.

Don’t Take the Bait: Phishing Attacks

Phishing is one of the most pervasive security threats today and it’s only getting worse Over the last few years, phishing attacks have continued to rise as attackers refine strategies, execute successful programs, and make money. Attackers are taking advantage of end users ...

How serious is an incident? The Comprehensive Guide to Incident Response

What defines a cyber “incident”, and if it happens to your business, how serious is it? These are two prominent questions among businesses of all sizes and industries. These questions, however, are especially vital to answer for small businesses who often lack the staffing, ...

Staying Secure: Cyber-Conscious Tips for Your Holiday Season

Black Friday, Cyber Monday, holiday gifts and New Year's celebrations – these are some of the factors that make November through January the most active online-shopping period of the year.

Phishing and Command & Control: How cyber attackers use emails to gain control

One of the easiest ways for cyber criminals to begin an attack is through a malicious email. Here’s a look at how they do it.