It’s true, some of the smallest improvements can really be game changers — especially in cybersecurity. Whether you know it or not, cyber criminals see you—the end user—as an easy target. But don’t worry, you don’t need the newest security technology to protect yourself ...
We all know that security is hard… for an MSP, it’s even more difficult. In addition to balancing the everyday security risks that every business faces, MSP’s also have to focus on their customers’ networks. A lot of times, the security of customer networks take precedence ...
Sometimes, it's the little things that make a big difference. This is especially true for cybersecurity. Here are 10 common mistakes made in office settings that leave people vulnerable to cyber attacks, presented by Security Engineer, Will Tipton:
You know how the story goes... Two guys are out hiking in the forest when they notice that a bear begins charging at them. One of the guys pulls off his heavy hiking boots and begins tying on a pair of running shoes.
You may have heard the statistic: 90% of breaches start with email. But you’re probably thinking, that won’t happen to me. You know the signs of a phishing email and you avoid emails that are clearly unsafe, so you’re not going to be the one who gets breached, right?
One of the latest phishing scams affecting small businesses is a message that alleges “your email account and device been hacked” and that “we have installed one RAT software into your device.”
Ignore security at your own and your customers’ peril. Recently there was a post on r/sysadmin from a network administrator who had a client system hacked because he left their iLO card facing the internet…
In the past 48 hours, security operators have seen a new ‘sextortion’ message begin popping up in client inboxes almost everywhere. The most frightening part of this message is that it lists a password either in the subject line or the first sentence.
If the GDPR affects your business, you may need to make some significant changes to your cybersecurity strategy. Here are four core areas to address in order to achieve technical compliance with the GDPR.
Admit it. You’ve left your computer unattended in a public place.
Over the past 15 years, Internet of Thing (IoT) devices have radically changed the IT world, introducing many benefits along with some tricky downsides. For example, while vulnerabilities found within IoT devices have been common knowledge since 2006, the rapid development ...
It is easier than ever for cyber criminals to obtain your private information, especially when “trustworthy” sites are the ones putting it on the line. Follow these simple steps to ensure you’re doing what you can to keep your information safe at work and at home:
Your business experiences a data breach. What happens next?
As an MSSP, we offer a number of services. It’s kind of in the name. Two of those services involve email through both email security as well as end-user education through our phishing service. Over the last couple of weeks, we’ve noticed an uptick in phishing emails that ...
You may not realize it, but your computer, mobile devices, accounts, and information all have value to cyber criminals. According to Verizon’s Data Breach Report, 91% of company breaches start with an email. Knowing how to maintain email security at the user level will keep ...