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April 27, 2022

2021 Holiday Security Guide

Ascend wants you to stay secure this holiday season. The end of the year brings with it a dramatic increase in cybersecurity events. So how do you handle these holiday hackers? Keep these tips in mind to stay secure in the New Year.

7 Tips to Ensure a Successful Cloud Migration

The traditional standards set for workplaces are changing. According to Gallup, 45% of Americans working full-time jobs are working from home either part-time or entirely. With an increasingly decentralized office IT infrastructure, companies have had to pivot to fit their ...

The Workplace of the Future is Remote

The results are in, and remote work is here to stay. According to a Gallup poll, 91% of U.S. workers currently working fully or partially remote hope to continue working remotely after the pandemic. For employers, that means taking the necessary steps to support a fully ...

Immutable Backups – The Missing Piece of Your Disaster Recovery Plan

Operating in a digital world comes with the risk of losing everything in a cyber incident. It’s estimated that a ransomware attack takes place every 11 seconds, and our team has observed an increasing number of businesses having their backups targeted in these attacks. So, ...

Ultimate Guide to Microsoft 365

It’s easy to fall behind on your organization’s technology, and the marketplace usually isn’t very forgiving. While your hardware ages, the technology you need to support your customers and maintain a productive workforce keeps advancing. Ultimately, you end up with ...

VMware Skyline Health Diagnostics Appliance

Maintaining your vSphere environment is key to keeping your users happy. Keeping the environment secure, stable, and performing at its best is essential. One tool that stands out for this task is the VMware Skyline Health Diagnostics Appliance. This tool assesses and makes ...

Microsoft Viva Topics - Observations on Set Up and Results

Viva Topics is one of four components of Microsoft Viva, which is a search and Artificial Intelligence (AI) application that monitors user interaction with sites, files, and other users in Microsoft 365. It creates 'Topics' that can be accessed via chat or web pages created ...

Cloud Security: Equip Your Organization Against Cloud-Based Threats

Until early 2020, the oft-heard pushback from legacy security practitioners was that cloud computing could never be as secure as on-premise operations. With the COVID-19 pandemic dramatically and rapidly expanding work-from-home demands, many "cloud naysayers" were forced ...

Maintaining Database Systems as a PAAS Solution

Many organizations assume that data moved to PaaS (Platform as a Service) platforms in the cloud does not require any administration, because “it’s managed by the cloud.” In reality, only a small portion of database administrator tasks are automated/included with a PaaS ...

The Dangers of Ignoring Data Management

In today’s data-driven world, it is difficult to believe there are still organizations out there that do not have a good handle on their own data. While it is possible to list out and describe numerous benefits of a good Data Management strategy, this article will focus on ...

Analytics & Business Intelligence – empowering users, assisting analysts, and supporting the systems

Today’s organizations are focusing more and more on data, analytics, and business intelligence to drive business decisions and profitability. They are becoming more reliant on the availability and accuracy of data, in order to maintain profitability.

Scheduled Jobs & Maintenance Tasks: an important factor in choosing cloud providers

With the incredible advancements in the cloud, many companies are looking to migrate their workloads in order to save costs and stay relevant in these fast-changing times. A large part of the migration relates to moving data workloads. While all cloud providers provide some ...

Data Protection & Governance in the Modern Business Environment

Organizations that do not have data management and governance policies are at increased risk for of data corruption and data breaches.

Managing Data in a Hybrid Cloud Environment

Maintaining data in a hybrid environment comes with its own set of challenges In today’s data-driven economy, availability of data has become one of the most important factors in an organization’s success. Ensuring data remains available when issues occur provides ...

Data Management Includes More Than Just Databases

Data is Important. In today’s digital world, organizations are relying more and more on data, information, and analytical insights to grow their business. In a small-to-medium business, however, you might hear something like ‘I don’t have any data,’ or ‘I don’t need any ...