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The results are in, and remote work is here to stay. According to a Gallup poll, 91% of U.S. workers currently working fully or partially remote hope to continue working remotely after the pandemic. For employers, that means taking the necessary steps to support a fully remote or hybrid workforce. If they don't, they risk losing talent, as 30% of workers say they are highly likely to seek out another opportunity if their company removes the option to work from home.

Adopting Remote Work

The first step in adopting a permanent work-from-home policy is getting your users plugged into your company's systems as they will need access to all the necessary applications and files. Additionally, each device will need to be configured with cybersecurity in mind, as remote work comes with added risks. Lastly, those devices will need to be delivered, and the device/user will need to be onboarded. That's a lot of work to get devices in the hands of your employees.

Digital Workspace Deployment

Luckily, Ascend has a solution to make adopting a permanent work from home policy simple. Digital Workspace Deployment puts the process of imaging and deploying devices on autopilot. Each machine is set up with the necessary applications, updates, patches, and security settings, so all the user needs to do to get started is log on. With Digital Workspace Deployment, you can reduce the time it takes to set up users by as much as 90%.

The benefits of Digital Workspace Deployment include:

  • Quick deployment with a simple user experience
  • Consistent and quality assured to make sure everyone has what they need
  • Developed with security & compliance in mind to keep your organization safe

Don't let your company fall behind. Contact an Ascend expert and get your organization ready for the workplace of the future.

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