Setting up a strong information governance framework with well-defined roles and responsibilities is an essential task for any organization with a data management system.
What sounds better? Proactively fighting potential threats or scrambling to pick up the pieces after an attacker has successfully made their way onto your system? As threats continue to become more complex and targeted, it’s more important than ever to focus your efforts to ...
A good disguise can go a long way. Concealing your real identity and priorities can get you far, especially in cybersecurity. When an attacker is disguised as a legitimate user, it’s harder to detect their presence, often until it’s too late. This is most evident during the ...
Are you struggling as an MSP owner to deliver security services to your clients? As an MSP owner, you have three options: Build, Buy, or Partner. How do you determine your next step?
The threat landscape is changing. Fileless malware is a phrase that is rapidly picking up popularity in the cybersecurity industry. In fact, 77% of successful cyberattacks in 2017 utilized some form of fileless malware. So you’ve probably heard of it, and you know you ...
Every network has its weaknesses. But do you know what they are and the impact they have on your network security? With the large amount of data on systems and advances in attack sophistication, it’s more important than ever to have a complete picture of what’s going on in ...
As the framework for what constitutes a “workforce” evolves in tandem with rapidly developing communication technologies, the advent of the remote workforce has gained momentum and all but redefined the relationship employees have with office environments.
The battle of cybersecurity is constantly advancing. As hackers move to more complex, focused efforts, their strategies have changed and the threat has increased. One of these strategies, advanced persistent threats (APT), is a customized, focused attack that is difficult ...
What’s your game plan if prevention fails? As attack techniques continue to advance, it’s crucial to have a plan in place. Last year, 77% of successful attacks used fileless attack techniques, something even the best antivirus solution can’t track or prevent.
Cyberattacks don’t happen overnight. They take weeks, even months of planning, research, and deliberate actions. At each stage, from the preparation to the finished attack, there’s great potential to detect the malicious activity and break down the entire operation.
As the intelligence of hackers continues to grow, so does the technology built to protect against even their best attacks. Technology like Endpoint Detection & Response (EDR) can be invaluable to businesses or managed service providers (MSPs), but with such a powerful ...
Understanding cybersecurity can be complex in today's constantly-evolving threat landscape. With every new advancement in technology comes a new opportunity for hackers, a new avenue for attack, and a new vulnerability to be exploited.
Cybercriminals are incredibly resourceful. As security practices rise in sophistication to account for rapidly diversifying types of threats, hackers are returning to not-so-new methods to sidestep modern security practices.
Moving your business into a new office space is often both an exciting and stressful transition. Some surprises and setbacks may be unavoidable, but strong planning beforehand can help you avoid major missteps.
We’ve all been there before. You’ve spent hours working hard on a PowerPoint presentation and you’re just about to finish it up when, suddenly, the application crashes.