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April 27, 2022

4 Ways to Protect Yourself from Identity Theft

Security breaches have become all too commonplace. From the recently disclosed Anthem, Inc. hack that has affected up to 80 million of the health insurers’ customers to the massive breach at Target in 2013, where 70 million customers saw their personal data exposed, we’re ...

Microsoft Outlook Voicemail Phishing Scam Fooling Users into Downloading Malware

Microsoft Outlook users should keep their eyes peeled for a phishing attempt targeting business users of the popular mail client. Though this phishing attempt has been making the rounds for a couple of years, it hasn’t shown signs of slowing down.

Improve Your Online Security with Two-Factor Authentication

Several high-profile instances of hacked accounts earlier this year – most notably the AP, CBS, and Burger King Twitter accounts – have shed light on a real problem for news organizations, corporations, and consumers: hackers can access sensitive accounts with relative ease.

IT-Business Convergence: The Key to Company Evolution

Small business owners find that choosing an IT provider is a very important decision. After all, the company you choose must be willing to undertake the hardships and shortcomings that you have already accepted as inevitabilities down the road of growth and success. This ...