We're addressing a question we get asked all the time: What does a hacker look like?
By now, you are likely familiar with the term SaaS or “Software-as-a-Service.” This is where you pay a subscription fee to use software like Microsoft Office 365 or Dropbox. These kinds of services are billed as ones that continuously keep your software as up-to-date in a ...
Voter data on 198 million (yes that’s million) US citizens was improperly stored and freely available for 12 days on the Internet. There has never been a data breach this big. The information includes: birthdates, home addresses, telephone numbers, political views, ...
Here is a reminder that you need to be alert for fake emails that look like they come from your local police or State Dept of Motor Vehicles (DMV) claiming you have a traffic violation. At the moment, there is a local scam in New York that falsely states you have ...
The paranoia surrounding cyber crime attacks is rising, almost as quickly as cybercrime itself. According to research from the Ponemon Institute, nearly half of all small businesses suffered a data breach in 2015. In fact, The Business Journals’ latest SMB Insight study ...
If you are like most executives caught up in the constantly-evolving threat landscape, you’re likely overwhelmed with trying to effectively secure your data. We still encounter organizations starting their security from square one on a fairly regular basis, and we know it’s ...
When it comes to technology infrastructure, change always carries some measure of risk. Even minor network and server reconfigurations can cause unexpected problems, making complete reviews of any system modification a crucial task. This includes analyzing how each ...
Once, twice, three times……no not the song, unfortunately. Three is the number of times a hotel in Turrach, Austria was hit by hackers. The cyber criminals left a backdoor on the hotel network exposed, allowing them to hold the hotel hostage with ransomware at any time. The ...
Although cyber attacks against large companies make the biggest headlines, small and medium-sized organizations are not immune to the threats. Smaller organizations are just as vulnerable as large enterprises, and in many cases, more so; because they have fewer resources to ...
Most people are never far away from a tablet, smartphone or both. In fact, according to a Bank of America survey, more people reach for their phone first thing in the morning than a toothbrush or cup of coffee.
Has this happened to you? You finally decided to take the plunge and upgrade your PC to Windows 10, only to find out that all your documents are now “read-only.”
It’s no secret that 2016 was a rough year in terms of cybersecurity attacks. We saw big name breaches at the IRS, Verizon, the DNC, LinkedIn, and who could forget- Yahoo! But while those breaches are top-of-mind and easy to remember, it’s important to also remember the ...
It seems that our news feeds are constantly flooded with the headlines of the latest cyber attack. Wishing it away, or hoping that our news filters are malfunctioning, is just not possible. Sadly, it is due to the fact that these crimes are happening more frequently than ...
The retail sector continues to struggle with ever-evolving cyber threats and cyber risk. A survey earlier this year by the global consulting firm BDO found that privacy concerns related to data breaches are considered a top risk by retailers, tying for the No. 1 spot with ...
As the BYOD trend becomes mainstream in healthcare, it is enabling the mobile workforce to be more efficient and productive. But the benefits of the BYOD phenomenon come with their own set of risks.