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Blog Category // Alerts (3)

Financial Regulators Crack Down on Cybersecurity

With the ever increasing number of financially oriented businesses, there are a lot more assets that are of value to criminals—in addition to money. This includes retail customers’ personal data as well as competitive information. It’s all valuable. And it’s a big reason ...

IRS: Hacked to the Third Power

IRS Breach Update In May 2015 the IRS announced that they had been breached and that only about 100,000 people had been affected. A couple of months later, they said “wait…wait…Maybe that number was higher…about 334,000.” Now, here we are several months later and the IRS is ...

Microsoft Outlook Voicemail Phishing Scam Fooling Users into Downloading Malware

Microsoft Outlook users should keep their eyes peeled for a phishing attempt targeting business users of the popular mail client. Though this phishing attempt has been making the rounds for a couple of years, it hasn’t shown signs of slowing down.