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Maintaining consistent data and efficient processes is crucial for growth and success in the financial services space. Our client, a privately owned insurance carrier offering life insurance, annuity, retirement-planning, and portfolio-management solutions, faced significant challenges in streamlining their operations and enhancing distribution partner relations. By implementing a foundational Financial Services Cloud (FSC) and Experience Cloud solution, Ascend helped them overcome these obstacles and position themselves for future growth.


The client struggled with inconsistent data management across recruiting, contracting, wholesale, and new business processes. This lack of unified data hindered their ability to make informed decisions and impacted overall efficiency. Additionally, inefficiencies in agent recruiting, sales, and service processes led to delays and bottlenecks. The client needed a streamlined approach to reduce these delays and improve operational efficiency.

Distribution partners experienced inconsistent onboarding and service, which affected their satisfaction and engagement. The client sought a more uniform and reliable experience for their partners. Furthermore, without clear visibility into key metrics related to distribution partners, the client found it challenging to measure performance and identify areas for improvement.


To address these challenges, our experts migrated the client's data from Sales Cloud to Financial Services Cloud, enabling a unified platform for sales and service operations. This migration ensured data consistency and improved accessibility across departments. By leveraging the out-of-the-box functionality of FSC, we developed process improvements that streamlined operations and enhanced efficiency.

These improvements addressed the client's inefficiencies and created a more cohesive workflow. Implementing Experience Cloud allowed for automated communication and visibility into agent appointment and onboarding status, as well as policy service updates. This self-service portal enhanced the overall agent experience and improved transparency.


The self-service portal significantly improved the agent experience by providing easy access to necessary information and reducing the need for manual interventions. By consolidating data across all departments, the client eliminated data silos, enabling better decision-making based on clean, relevant data. Consistent data access across business units led to higher user adoption for sales and service teams, enhancing overall productivity and satisfaction. The successful implementation of FSC and Experience Cloud positioned the client to aggressively pursue additional roadmap items, ensuring continued growth and innovation.

Need some help?

Through the strategic implementation of Salesforce Financial Services Cloud and Experience Cloud, Ascend transformed our client's operations, enhancing their distribution partner relations and positioning them for sustained growth.

If you're looking to optimize your financial services operations and drive growth, contact us today to learn how our Salesforce expertise can help you achieve your goals.