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Guthrie County State Bank


The organization

Guthrie County State Bank is a locally owned and independent community bank. Their offerings are comparable to those of much larger financial institutions but deliver loan services with a higher level of consideration and attention to detail.



With an ever-expanding portfolio of loan services and a growing book of business, GCSB identified the need for a more consistent sales process and rules for activity tracking. Ascend Technologies was identified as the partner of choice thanks to its technical expertise and business consulting know-how.



During the implementation of Salesforce Sales Cloud, Ascend consulted on GCSB’s sales team’s processes and helped them build a system that would encourage activity management. A consistent sales process defined through our team's consulting services gave Guthrie State Bank more visibility into its pipeline and accounts.



“Invested, present and engaged, at Guthrie County State Bank we are always seeking out advancements to our business that will benefit the individuals and communities that we serve. We recognized in that we needed to invest in our sales infrastructure in order to maintain the highest levels of service for our customers. Salesforce was determined to be the best tool on the market to gain more visibility into our Retail Banking team’s sales pipeline and accounts.

Upon investing in Salesforce, we realized that we needed an expert who could help us integrate key account data from our core bank system into Salesforce and help us revamp our sales strategy. [Ascend] was the partner of choice because of their ability to act as both a developer and a consultant. Our consultant-advisee relationship quickly evolved into a partnership and the successful outcome of the Salesforce implementation and integration is a reflection of such. As GCSB’s technological needs continue to grow, so will our partnership with [Ascend]. They are our trusted source for all things Salesforce.”

-Mike Underwood, President & CEO