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The last two years have demanded that organizations adapt to new technology (and quickly) to stay afloat. Suddenly, employees couldn't collaborate in the same room or meet with clients in person, and the only solution was to go digital. 

While this transition didn't happen under ideal circumstances, many organizations have seen the benefits firsthand of embracing new technology. Reports show that organizations that invest in solutions like cloud storage and digital management systems are outpacing their competitors, growing up to five times as fast. Additionally, PWC reports that 60% of senior executives believe that digital innovation will be the key to organizations growing and succeeding in the coming years. 

But we understand that a significant transition like this can feel overwhelming, And without an understanding of what this technology has to offer, it may not seem worth the effort to expand your digital operations. Let's break down the major benefits of digital innovation, how it can give your organization a competitive edge, and why it's time to adapt. 

Resource Management

Even before the pandemic, organizations were turning to online solutions and cybersecurity measures to streamline their process and keep their data safe. But as of March 2020, having remote access to work files has become a necessity. 

Cloud storage popularity boomed, and for a good reason. Platforms like Microsoft 365, which includes SharePoint and other collaborative Microsoft Apps, offer organizations a new level of resource management capabilities. With this software, all your essential work data can be stored, organized, and kept securely in one place – and, more importantly, accessed from anywhere. This means your team can stay productive and collaborate whether they're in or out of the office. Plus, with living documents all in one place, cloud platforms take the stress out of finding the right document hidden in long email chains. 

Having an organized, accessible library of resources is a foundational pillar for a successful organization, and that's what digital platforms like cloud storage can provide. And here's a benefit you might now have realized: tools like this will make sure you stay competitive as you search for new employees. 

Employee Retention

After many employees stayed at home for months (if not years) during the pandemic, the ability to work remotely has evolved from simply a perk to a non-negotiable standard. A survey from FlexJobs reported that during March and April 2021, 58% of respondents "absolutely" would search for a new position if they weren't able to continue working remotely.  

The country is facing what's been named "The Great Resignation" (or "The Great Reshuffle), with a reported 44% currently looking for a new job and employee retention levels reaching all-time lows. Digital innovations allow greater working flexibility for employees, making your open job positions look more enticing than others that demand in-office work. 

To get the best applicants and stay competitive in the job market, organizations should recognize how digital innovation will help attract the right employees and keep them on their team for the long term. 

And when it comes to staying competitive, digital innovation doesn't just help with hiring.

Outpacing Competitors

Don't get left behind by other contenders in your industry that are willing to adapt. Digital innovation does more than keep your internal workings running smoothly. It streamlines (and even automates) your organization's processes, allowing your team members to spend more time on the tasks that count. 

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a helpful feature found on many digital platforms. By using algorithms, AI can make informed decisions, converse with potential clients, find patterns in data, or offer advice on optimization, saving your team time that should be devoted to more important projects. 

Digital innovation also creates a better user experience for your clients, which is one of the major deciding factors as to whether they'll keep investing in your services or not. You'll be able to respond to your clients' needs more quickly, forging better relationships with them and encouraging future business. 

Cybersecurity & Digital Safety

We're sure you've heard about the increase in cybercrimes over the last two years. With employees working in so many different locations and within networks of varying security levels, hackers have found the loopholes they need to access your valuable information. 

While there's no such thing as 100% protection on the internet, major digital software and cloud providers prioritize their users' safety. By housing essential documents on a secured, monitored platform, your data will assuredly be safer than on your company computer, where endpoints could easily be missed and taken advantage of. 

If you're unsure where to start when protecting your company from cyber threats, it may be time to partner with a managed services provider (MSP), like Ascend. An MSP can provide a range of services to protect your organization's devices, from perimeter security to incident management to 24/7 monitoring of your networks. 

If this sounds like what you're looking for, learn more about our Security Solutions or check out our MSSP: Ultimate Guide to Making the Right Choice

Ascend Can Help

Now that we've covered its major benefits, we hope it's clear how digital innovation can help your organization grow and thrive. But if you're just getting started on your transition, it can be hard to know where to start. 

An MSP like Ascend Technologies can help you navigate this new phase in your organization's development. We offer several services to help get your cloud software, online resource management, or automated tools up and running. Plus, our cloud architects will work with your team to customize your online platforms to fit your organization's unique needs. 

Contact our experts today for a free consultation.

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