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What you need to know about cloud migrations

Often, organizations want to move to the cloud for potential cost savings, flexibility and access to cutting-edge technology. The problem? Where to start

For the foreseeable future, most organizations will exist in a hybrid framework. Some technology will be on-premise. And, some will use software as a service. Your infrastructure will also have some resources and applications in the cloud.

Our experience with cloud migrations shows that staged migrations are most effective. We recommend starting the migration to the cloud with the least complex and highest short-term ROI. Taking this path in the first of several waves provides a solid foundation for future migrations.

What does it mean for you?
  • Without a comprehensive understanding of how cloud services fit into your business, your technology road map can get out of alignment with your goals.
  • You could be falling behind your peers as they leverage cloud services to innovate quickly and free up financial resources to drive business value.
  • Your team may not have the training or skills to adequately configure your cloud environment to leverage platform services and optimize them for maximum cost savings.
  • You run a real risk of security incidents in your environment without proper setup and monitoring of the cloud infrastructure.
Other things to know:
  • Ascend can work with you to assess your current environment and develop a migration plan that prioritizes your business objectives.
  • We can execute your cloud migration and ensure your new environment is optimized to deliver the most value.
  • We monitor your environment to ensure it is securely configured and to look for opportunities to continue to drive costs lower.

Contact us to learn how you can make migrations hassle-free and keep them aligned with your goals.