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Are you realizing the full value creation opportunity from your portfolio companies?

Private Equity is moving faster than ever and there’s more competition and uncertainty. Information technology is central to doing business today and the landscape is constantly changing while getting ever more complex. Digital transformation is on the tips of everyone’s tongues and yet it is perfectly unclear what it means for value creation to most private equity managing partners.

Whether your next transaction is buy-side, sell-side, a carve out or a merger, understanding the risks and rewards that come with every investment move is crucial to positive financial results. Being confident in the technology due diligence and gaining economies of scale and synergies across your portfolio companies (portcos) decreases costs and increases profits.


Here are the questions managing partners need to be asking themselves today
  • Can you see sales pipeline details across your portfolio to predict how growth will be achieved?
  • Do your portcos have an effective and efficient sales process and sales analytics reports?
  • How well do you understand the threats and vulnerabilities across your portfolio companies?
  • Do you have adequate processes in place review weak points in a target’s technology stack?
  • Are there unexpected and costly latent breaches that may come to light after a closing?
  • What opportunities are there for IT synergies and cost savings across to create more value?
  • Are all your portfolio companies reliably monitoring and managing their IT environments?
  • Are they prepared with business continuity and response plans that keep business growing?
A different approach

Creating more value on every investment is crucial. Realizing synergies across your portfolio, leveraging reliable policies and uncovering value-impacting knowledge about investment targets quickly pays dividends. Ascend has worked with private equity firms for years, providing them with insights to change ahead of the market to create competitive advantages. Our technical and business expertise makes us an ideal partner for private equity firms looking to increase deal flow, simplify technology integration and realize overall improved profitability and lower costs with every divestiture