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If the GDPR affects your business, you may need to make some significant changes to your cybersecurity strategy. Here are four core areas to address in order to achieve technical compliance with the GDPR.


The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a regulation approved by the European Union that goes into effect on May 25, 2018. Its goal is to protect the personal data and information of EU citizens. Any organization that collects, holds, or processes data from EU citizens must comply with new regulations for data privacy, protection, and security.

The GDPR also states that the processing and storage of data must be protected by appropriate technical and organizational measures—in other words, cybersecurity. Data protection for GDPR liable organizations must be implemented by design.

If that applies to you, you might be wondering how to tackle the daunting task of new cybersecurity measures in your organization.

Here are the four core areas you need to address in order to be GDPR compliant:


1. Prevention

Make sure you have preventative security measures in place, like perimeter security, endpoint security, and email security. If audited for GDPR compliance, you will need to show what security measures were implemented to prevent the possibility of a data breach.


2. Protection

Protect the data on your network with password security and encryption. This is another important piece of Data Protection by Design.


3. Detection

If a threat bypasses your existing security measures, you need to detect it as quickly as possible. Certain security software or services can help you reduce your mean time to discovery (MTD) and minimize the damage of a potential threat.


4. Response

Be sure to have a breach response plan prepared in advance so you’re ready in the event of a breach. For GDPR compliance, you will need to notify the proper authorities and affected individuals immediately.


Is your cybersecurity strategy ready to cover the four core requirements of technical GDPR compliance? If not, we can help. Contact us to learn more.

For more information on GDPR compliance and cybersecurity, download our whitepaper here: