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Tim is an Ascend Technologies Operations Center Supervisor. He shared what it means to be part of a team.

What is your favorite sports team?

Not much of a sports fan, I would consider myself more of a nerd than a jock.

What sports have you played?

Ran cross country and played tennis in high school, theater and improv in college.

What do you remember being the most valuable lesson from a coach or someone that supported your team sport or past time?

Patience is bitter but its fruit is sweet. The more you work and prepare now prepares you for so much future success.

What do you like the most about being part of the Ascend team?

Working with people who have very different backgrounds united by a love of technology. Everyone is committed and curious and making sure everyone has everything they need to do their jobs as effectively as possible is a unique and daily challenge.

How do you relate the team experiences you have had to the way your team functions at Ascend? How have the experiences supported your success at Ascend and in your boarder career?

From my theater experiences, I think it’s most important to be bold and fearless. Despite all the rehearsals committing everything to memory, being able to respond honestly and immediately forces you to be in the moment and react accordingly.

What is your favorite team slogan, cheer or theme? How do bring this into your daily life?

Sometimes you need to bend to avoid breaking.