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Nathan is an Ascend Technologies Operations Analyst. He shared what it means to be part of a team.

What is your favorite sports team?

I don’t really have one now that I’m in Chicago, but I’ll say the White Sox.

What sports have you played?

I was a band kid.

What do you like the most about being part of the Ascend team?

I really enjoy the people I work with. Even while remote, it’s fun hearing everyone’s humor in meetings and insightful commentary on the tasks at hand.

How do you relate the team experiences you have had to the way your team functions at Ascend? How have the experiences supported your success at Ascend and in your boarder career?


I think any team succeeds when they know their teammates well and, in our case, we know the go-to members who have the skill set best suited to answer any questions you may have in any given subject. I believe my experiences working as a team in my career have helped me understand that there is a lot to learn from any of your team members, and if you listen and take in what your colleagues are saying you can really grow both personally and in your career.

What is your favorite team slogan, cheer or theme? How do bring this into your daily life?

My favorite team slogan is from the 2010 Pittsburgh Pirates: “PRIDE. PASSION. PIRATES.” I think the first two parts of the slogan are something that everyone would like: pride in their work and a passion for what they’re doing. And that third one really reminds you to stay on your toes, because you never know what curve balls life could throw at you.