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Nathan is an Ascend Technologies Service Delivery Manager. He shared what it means to be part of a team.

What is your favorite sports team?

Liverpool Football Club

What sports have you played?

Cricket, rugby and soccer were my favorite sports. I was a goalkeeper ever since I can remember. I played throughout my school years and even continued playing after college. I enjoy playing tennis, squash and basketball as well.

What do you remember being the most valuable lesson from someone that supported your team sport or past time?

When stepping up to bat, use your nervous energy to help you maintain focus

Have you or someone close to you played a professional sport?

Yes, I had a friend that played Cricket for South Africa. He was a batsman. Also, I have a close friend that played soccer for Ajax Cape Town, he was a striker.

What did you learn most from this experience and what lessons have these professional athletes share with you?

Not every game will be your best, but make sure that you give your best all the time. Even if you are losing, stay positive and encourage your team players to keep pushing.

What do you like the most about being part of the Ascend team?

I like the vision that the executive team portrays to grow the company and our team, more so the culture and morale. I like that we are building our own identity as a company. I certainly appreciate the flexibility and support offered by management during trying times. Being part of this team makes me want to ensure I give my best to my colleagues and clients each day.

How do you relate the team experiences you have had to the way your team functions at Ascend? How have the experiences supported your success at Ascend and in your boarder career?

I’ve learnt that not everyone is the same, each team and individual has different needs and is wired a certain way. You have to ensure your approach is adjusted and show consideration whether you are dealing with an internal team member or a client. This approach has assisted me in maintaining rapport with past clients, colleagues, and acquaintances. In certain cases, friendships have developed due to trust and integrity shown on my part.

What is your favorite team slogan, cheer or theme? How do bring this into your daily life?

YNWA – You’ll Never Walk Alone

That’s the theme of the soccer team that I’ve been supporting for as long as I can remember. There’ll always be someone that’s in a worse situation than you are in currently, so appreciate what opportunity you’ve been given. Be thankful that you are alive each day, you’ll always have someone that cares by your side that you can call upon when times are both good and bad. This is what I live by!

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